This is an abbreviated glossary of the more common bromeliad terms For a complete glossary you should go to the one Derek Butcher has developed for the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies. It is a 44-page document and contains the meaning of species names as well as descriptive terms.


In addition to our monthly meetings, there are many resources available to the bromeliad enthusiast, from general to technical. Select a category below for more information.

The Bromeliad Society International is the world organization promoting bromeliad culture. It has many pages of general information for bromeliad enthusiasts.

The Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies maintains a photo index for the Bromeliad Society International as well as bromeliad information. Go to the website then select "Photo Index" on the left side of the page.

The Cryptanthus Society specializes in the genus Cryptanthus, or "earth stars". They derive their name from their shape and the fact that they grow on the ground.

The Bromeliad Society of Australia has photos of bromeliads grown in Australia as well as a great deal of information about bromeliads.


The Hawaii Bromeliad Societyhas an extensive library of reference books about bromeliads. Most of them are out of print and are expensive even if you are able to locate them. They are available to all members.

Book List for Hawaii Bromeliad Society Library

The The Hawaii State Library is another source of free books. We have listed all of the books available as well as some of our recommendations. If you have a library card you can request a book and have it sent to your closest branch.

Book List for Hawaii State Public Library System

A good book to get started with would be Victoria Padilla's Bromeliads. It contains many beautiful photographs of bromeliads and information without excessive detail. This book is available at the Hawaii State Library.

Ulrich and Ursula Baensch's Blooming Bromeliads contains more technical information but still is filled with photographs. This book is also available at the Hawaii State Library.

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